Monday, October 1, 2018

A Few Things...

I wanted to take this opportunity to thank all of the families who were able to attend our Open House last Thursday.  It was so nice to see you all!  Your children were very excited to show you their classroom, the great work they have been doing, and their new school.  What a wonderful start to the school year this has been!  I am enjoying every day with your children.  My apologies to the families that I did not have the opportunity to speak with during the Open House.  I look forward to meeting with everyone during our parent-student-teacher conferences in late October/early November.  

Early Release Tomorrow: Students will be dismissed from school at 11:50 Tuesday, October 2nd to allow for collaborative work time for faculty and staff.  

Pumpkin Patch Field Trip Reminder: The Kindergarten classes will be traveling by bus to the Parker Family Farm in Williston on Wednesday, October 3rd to learn all about pumpkins!  We will leave school around 8:30 and return in time for lunch at 11:00.  Children should dress in layers and wear appropriate footwear.  Boots would be great for walking in wet and muddy fields and children should bring sneakers or dry shoes to change into at school.  

Walk Around the Pond Permission Slip: The annual MCS Walk Around the Pond event is scheduled for Friday, October 12th from 1:00-3:00.  Permission slips went home with students on Thursday and need to be signed and returned by Friday, October 5th.  We are looking for volunteers to assist with stations along our walking route and family members to walk with us.  If you are interested in volunteering or joining us on the walk, please be sure to fill out the necessary volunteer paperwork as soon as possible.   

Four Winds Volunteers Needed: We are looking for a few volunteers to teach Four Winds to the Kindergarten students this year.  The Four Winds program brings natural science to the classroom and gets the kids outside to explore and learn!  Each month brings a new topic on an overarching theme.  The program requires one two hour training session once a month as well as the time spent at home preparing and in the school presenting (approximately 1 hour, once a month).  You do not need to have a science background, just the desire to learn and teach the kids.  It takes at least two volunteers for a successful classroom presentation.  If you are interested or know of someone who might be, please let me know as soon as possible and I will put you in touch with our school's Four Winds coordinator.  Please note: All volunteers for Four Winds must complete the volunteer paperwork and background check before working in the classrooms.